Monday 19 September 2011



Smooth ‘Solid’ ride (Again).. It happens to be true, and the ‘Most descriptive word’ appropriate…

Only to add the ‘CPK’ has increased versatility, Particularly ‘Distance Qualities’..

Dodgy initial stride, Led to ‘easy stroll’ speed…
A ‘Snug enough Fit’ leaves the rear foot open to ‘increased play’,
Smoother transition between board and ’Tail..
Considerably ’Flush’ in comparison..
Leaves heel free to ’Swivel’…

ZLBStealth, With ‘Custom Plankail’…

It Has Been Brought To Our Attention…

It Has Been Brought To Our Attention…

That the Below Shown - ZLBP-DTEdition Idea.. ZLB - Popsickle - Drop-Through Edition.. Is no new idea… Been tried and tested by a ‘stalwart’ of silverfish Along with his own URL..
A Mr Kraffftwork… fellow inventor, conceptual thinker… In contrast to our rather ‘Slap - Dash’ approach to drop-through.. The design seems thought-out and well executed…

Nevertheless a full seven miles has been pushed with varying success…
Turned a head or two..
Enthused the local riders ‘no end’…



Having Through-out the seven mile 'test period'... one thing 'stood-out'.. this were just how easy the rider found 'Catching a wheel'... Particually on the nose.. 'above pictured'.. so with that 'In Bold'.. on the report returned to the desighn house.. their 'Not so Technical' solution were to be..

Cut-out's... and large ones... To accomadate the'larger wheel' as they say... not all seen post/pre are agreed...


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