Wednesday 24 August 2011


The Distance Travelling Sect…

So the forecast wet stuff arrived.. And arrived with vigour.. Best part of a centimetre in around four to six hours, gave ample chance to ’test run’ once more the ZLBTravelinner series of Board (ZLBMarkWIA) - Sac (CanvasCarrier)-WaterproofHoldal (Wet-Sac)… very useful and without doubt the way to travel in those sorts of conditions…

Step one would include ’hanging’ CanvasCarrier from trucks, then re shuffling contents of ‘CCSac’ to suite..
Once flush with board, place both CCSac and board as described into the Wet-Sac.. Secure and walk on… We advise leaving enough of the Wet-Sac to grapple, and ‘hood’ over your head, resting the trucks on the lower neck/shoulders.. Having found a resting place .. Settle and your good to go…
Another ‘technique’ centred on holding both wheels on the truck buried in the base of the Wet-Sac..
Keeping forearms tight to your sides, and taking shelter under ’Wet-Sac covered board’ protruding over head..
This led to a slightly smoother pace.. But only advised once rain has ‘ petered-out’ a little… with the tendency to stand tall and look forward… minimal coverage remains…

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In the Dry, the board being placed into the wet-sac, then slide down the ‘back’ of the Canvas Carrier is a preferred method of choice.. Once the clouds drop their contents.. Reshuffling Board-CanvasCarrier-Wet-Sac to suit is advised.. As previously described, with a keen eye, the rider can shelter from the majority of the rain under the ‘make-shift’ hood fashioned from the ‘rolled’ edge of the Wet-Sac..
Thus providing the rider with a dry store area for board/bag/self if ‘pulled-off’..

We walked around with his ‘make do’ hood.. for well over an hour at one stage… quickly likened the experience to wearing a waterproof jacket of sorts… usual rules apply, don’t put your arms up, keep neck warm and dry, front and back.. Try not to impair vision with ‘Hood piece’…

Wondered about quite at ease until reaching destination.. Board and CanvasCarrier were completely dry.. And the Neck/Back area faired well also…

Koeriddor - ZLBTravellinerSach - 'TravellingSect'

Slightly Sodden.. Rained the prievioue night...

Clean, Dry, Light seating...

 ZLBCanvasCarrier 'Sach' between yer knees.. easy on the lamprest... works well 'on the hop!!!!'...

Free standing of course.. part of the deisgn used 'In Anger'..

Stowed and 'InSession'... .. .

Light, Durable, WaterProof.. ZLB CanvasCarrier - Travellinner Edition.. A worth advesary in todays climate

Many Moon Of Miles

Many Moons of Miles/Motion
The Shoes of one of our principal team riders…

This kid diggs the miles…
Started out as a hobby back in the 90’s.. Quickly became transportation.. Every bit the ‘addicted cruiser’… Over ten years on four wheels from tender teen age… Inspite the mishaps and strife holds true the values of Longboarding/skateboarding…

No weather too tame…
No distance too far…

Been fair to their local skate community… from encouraging the youth ‘on road’ and ‘inn park‘.. through to ’Board level’ advesary in bidding for spaces purely for the past time… Considered a ‘Young Elder’ by some, their discussion style has brought a greater understanding of Skateboarding, Specifically Longboard ’Rules of the Road’ and alike.. to the ‘Stuffy’ ‘Old Boys Network’ of on the ground government… No one skater owes anything to this person.. Just about every skater who has been ’hard done’ by a member of the public or local ’Bobbie’ for unreasonable ideals… has to tip their hat to them, for the strives made in ‘Teaching’ the general public on the Pro’s and Con’s of the much loved past time…

No Sponsor.. Nor Team till Zilvan came calling…

We hooked up on the chance fait of an old pal, and since.. The debt paid to said old pal is not so…Crossed counties in a day, and paced on until cramp took it’s toll… A test rider and keen in the design house.. There seems no limit to the tenacity expelled in the name of skate…

No Sports scientist, but keen on their fitness and mindset… they have willed others on for greater bounds both ‘in session’ and in ‘strife’.. From discussion, we here though them ‘Mad’ in distance covered … Also with Boards brung to the scene.. With a quiver in part homemade and purchased at premium.. Own ideas on the lesser known theory’s and ideals around the hobby… keen supporter of the ‘Park Etiquette’ program and alike… to which they have brought our attention..
Their ‘Motto’ of sorts is simple… -- Longboard For Freedom --

Quite the artisan of sorts with a fair knowledge of the ‘mechanics’ and science of the Board.. Enabling them to invent with intent to further their passion and others… with limited resources at times their sheer ‘idealism’ that - Longboarding is freedom has seem them travel this island on deck … With a fair bit to tackle yet… Charity and Training runs hit with similar vigour… Currently running a ZLBMark.. The recent ZLBMarkWIA - (ZLBMark with Independents / Alligator) review, were mostly by them.. Usual photographic team doing the business around them.. Resulting in a truly unbiased approach to the review.. With informative and technical discussions following the evening…

‘Their One Of The Nutters Come Good’… ZLBTeamRider…

Various ideals that have been brought to our attention by this person…
- Park Etiquette..
Basically put, when they were growing with their local skate scene in England.. There were a sort of unwritten hierarchy of the park…. Ran something like this..
-Top… Persons, as with-out persons there is no park., and this is the case for most transportation heirachary’s of sorts…
- Second… BMX, Bigger/Heaver subsequently more dangerous in the park (Even ones with brakes)..
-Third - Skateboards - Old school and New…
-Forth - Mini/Micro scooters.. Even with brakes those things are pretty dangerouse.. Lot off aluminium at a young age… Tiny wheels… ect…
- Quad skates/Rollerblades are exempt, because they have the most freedom of movement.. And usually end up worse off in collisions, thus it being their interests to move aside regardless…

Along with this ‘unwritten’ aspect.. In the early part of the century the ‘PR’ aspect of the campaign took it a step further with T-shirts/stickers sporting the finer points of the movement.. Along with slogans such as…
Move aside don’t collide.. … of which is still in use today… there are limited resellers… we have investigated further and have concluded the ideals are still out there in some form… and the apparel is available through certain retailers… Of which we are one now.. If anyone’s keen… Check a recent post describing all that’s involved…

The ‘Movement’ lost a little steam on the ground with the councils - No Helmet - No Ride Scheme… a few years back… which amongst other things scared parents and alike in to thinking that the skate park were a spot for ‘feral’ youths, with no knowledge, or respect…ect.. This has in some part tarnished the good name of skate in the park.. But has opened doors for movements such as - Park etiquette - and alike to flourish once more…

One of there finer points made is this… Every transport mode within the park that has a brake could include this FACT into there run/time in the park...
 -- This Person Can Not Be Named For Legal/Contractual Reasons --

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